Monday, January 23, 2012

Belated New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! ... I'm only 22 days late in doing this. 

The holidays were fast-paced for me, but I tend to enjoy my life like that. I was in Virginia with my family for two weekends during the holidays and then spent the New Year holiday in Chicago, Illinois celebrating a close friend's birthday and ringing in 2012! They say work hard and play hard, don't they? =) 

New Year's Eve fireworks at Navy Pier in Chicago

To start the New Year, I have set some resolutions for myself and am sharing them here. They are some pretty easily attainable goals and I have already been working on some of them intensely (on this Sunday night, I am still sore from my exercising from Friday). 

  • Lose 20 pounds 
  • Exercise 3 times a week (minimum)
  • Set (and follow) a sleep schedule
  • Be more positive about work
  • Get to work no later than 8:30am daily
  • Stick to my budget
  • Eat out less
  • Give up soda
  • Conquer sweet tooth

It's a healthy list, but a lot of them go hand in hand. I have already read a lot of other Resolutions people have posted... Good luck and Happy 2012!

1 comment:

  1. That sleep schedule resolution is a good one. I would've already failed miserably at it though.

    I will happily support you in all of these resolutions except conquer your sweet tooth. I just cannot support that one. ;)

