Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Capital Affair

Wow, it has been a busy couple of weeks! Work has been busy and I have simply just had nothing to blog about except for rainy weather. The tides have turned however, with a few days of plentiful sunshine and a once in a lifetime experience.

The company I work for recently won a Kentucky Small Business Development “Pacesetter Award”. This award recognizes high performing second-stage businesses that are producing innovative -products, increasing sales, creating jobs and serving communities in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This has been a huge honor for my firm and has created a small buzz of excitement around the office.

Wednesday I attended a few activities in the state’s capital of Frankfort to honor the recipients of this award.  The morning consisted of an award ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda, which is an impressive building that I have never stepped foot in. Following the award ceremony, a few employees were selected by my boss to attend a luncheon at the Governor’s Mansion.

 Kentucky Capital Building

Governor's Mansion 

Luncheon in the Governor's Mansion

The Governor was supposed to be in attendance, but had to cancel for some other obligation, which I was sort of bummed about. None-the-less, it was an honor to be there for the award festivities.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad the governor wasn't there, but still exciting nonetheless! Congrats on the award, bro!
