Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snow and Sunshine

It's been a winter wonderland around here this week. I know most of my family and friends have been slammed with snow this year. Here in Kentucky, our seasonal snow accumulation has reached 21.7 inches (our annual average is 16 inches)... and we still have to get through February!!!

I generally do not appreciate the snow. I prefer flip flops, sunglasses, a blanket in the park, and soaking up the rays; but this past snowfall I have seen in a different light. It snowed Thursday during the evening commute, making it pretty interesting. Friday we woke to a snow covered world with sunshine to accompany it.  

(My snow-covered street)

With everything covered in snow and the roads pretty treacherous, I left the car at home and walked to work. I generally hoof it in the summertime and drive in the winter because of the cold temperatures. The walk Friday was gorgeous with a fair amount of snow on the ground and a nice bright sun on everything. It made the cold more bearable to have the sun out on your face even in 11 degrees. I usually just gripe and moan through winter, but I am enjoying this one.

Who knows, maybe we'll even reach 30 inches of snow by the end of March.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here I am

dy·nam·ic   adj  \dī-ˈna-mik\
marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change

If it's one thing I have grown accustomed to in this past year... its change. I have awaken and accepted the person that I am, entered and exited a serious relationship, reconnected with family I have not seen for twelve years, faced the reality of numerous friends walking away, moved, gotten promoted, been hospitalized, and lost one of the greatest people I have known for my entire life. I can say, however, that as the time moves further from these events I am learning more and more of how this is just the adventure of life. This is also to say, that this adventure is dynamic is many ways.

I'm not going to lie and say I love or hate change, because I am not really sure at this point, but it's interesting to step back and look at all the change in my life. As a 23-year old, I have already learned that life is an adventure, but it’s the dynamic part of that adventure that is just beginning to resonate.

And the dynamic part is beautiful.

I'm not trying to be deep or existential, but merely point out what I am learning on this dynamic adventure. And that's exactly what I intend to do on these pages. As the adventure of life continues it is interesting to stop for just a few seconds and "watch the ice melt" (or smell the roses if you want a cliché); and if we pause long enough and really allow ourselves, we will appreciate the dynamic part of the adventure.

I have never been okay sitting still, being alone, or enjoying silence, but in the past few months I have found myself sitting in silence or racing to get home to just lounge around. I have really come to appreciate all that I have been through, even those tough months in 2010.